Monday, July 2, 2012

Who are you seeking?

                So many times lately I have been hearing, "where is God?" and "why hasn't He answered this prayer?" or "why hasn't He spoken to me yet?" and so much more. Looking into this, most of the time I hear God telling me something along the lines of, "they are not seeking Me yet." How can we get answers from God if we are not talking to Him? How can we pray and expect results when we were not praying to God?

                Now, before I begin, I would like to make a clarification because someone will think, "well God is easily insulted." In fact, that is not true. God is patient and merciful. He is not easily offended, we are simply rude. Yes, we are rude to God. We do not always give Him the respect and reverence that He deserves. It is so easy for us to distort the image of God. If we are not worshiping, praying to, and talking to the true God, we are not going to get all that we ask for.

                How can we not be worshiping or praying to the right God? Christian is Christian, right? Yes, this is true. This is not a debate on denomination. If you are a follower of Christ, you are a follower of Christ; but there in can be the problem. Are we following the one and only Christ or our own image of Him? So many times I have heard people say things about God that are not Biblical truths, and can even be blasphemous. These ideas about God usually come from past experiences of misinformation. If a girl is neglected by her father and is involved in the church, she could learn to love Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but may view God the Father as distant and unloving because of the issues that she had with her own father. This can mess up her entire relationship with Christ. Or, for example, if someone were to tell you that the Trinity is separating God into three different people with three different roles, that would be false information as well. The Trinity says that God is three in one; and it may be difficult to imagine because God is beyond our comprehension; but as much as we like to put the three into three different roles, they all work together to do everything. We, as humans, cannot contain God and make Him less than who He is in order to better understand Him because that is destroying His name and taking away from Him. That is how we create a new god from our imagination.

                If someone asks me, "why hasn't God brought me a girlfriend," I usually will say, "because it is not your time yet. You or her still have things to work on. God will bring you together when you are both ready and the time is right." If the answer is, "alright" or something like that, they are respecting God's perfect plan and are willing to submit to it; but if the answer is something along the lines of, "but I need a girlfriend and I can only feel God's love when I have a girlfriend," they have just shown a distorted image of God by saying that God is only present in other people and cannot have a relationship with that person alone. That person also says that God is not able to be with him unless He is using a person, saying that God depends on people. This also destroys the image of God.

                Deuteronomy 4:29 says, "but if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul." You will find God, and the answers, when you look for Him with all your heart and soul. This is more than just having a moment during praise and worship or spending a second in prayer, not that either of those are bad at all. What we need to do is seek God, the true God, with all of our heart and be willing to accept who He is not not try to change His name. We must spend time learning about Him through the Word, through prayer, and through testing what we know. We must be willing to say that God is bigger than we can truly comprehend and loves me enough to have a perfect plan for me. He sees more than I see and He knows more than I know, so I cannot limit Him to my knowledge and understanding. Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" God is bigger than us in every way, and different than us in every way. He is not like us. We cannot take God and simplify Him into our own understanding to control. He is beyond us.

                We must take what little of God we can understand and respect it. He is God, not a genie. He is not someone we go to with a wish list and ask for things. We respect Him. He is God. Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9 both say, "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find it, knock and the door will be opened to you." If we seek God for answers about Himself and try to find out who He truly is, He is sure to answer us; but we must come with an open heart ready to learn who He is and accept Him. God will not answer you if you come to Him with a heart that says, "tell me about You and I will decide if I want to accept it or not." When you seek God, truly seek after the one true living God and nothing less. When you seek Him with all of your heart, He will answer you.


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