Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God in Himself

                God is far beyond our comprehension. As humans, we like to take things and put them into boxes and equations to understand them. That is fine for created things, such as chemistry and literature and math, but never for God. To bring God down to human level is to strip Him of who He is, and that creates a false image which attacks the name of God. We must be willing to understand that God is beyond our understanding. He is God alone, and that has many meanings. Yes, it means that there is no other god with Him; but it also means that there is nothing else in His category. There is nothing else like Him. One thing that makes God different from everything else is that God exists in Himself and needs nothing. This means that nothing created God and nothing keeps Him running. He existed on His own and always has, and He does not need to rest or energize like we do. He is God alone.

                After running a few miles, one would become hungry. We, as humans and anything created, depend on something outside of us to keep us sufficient. We must rely on food and rest. If we do not sleep or eat, we can die. God does not need that. He can separate seas and create pillars of fire and not grow tired. All of the power is in His hand. He constantly gives and never needs to receive. It is part of what makes Him perfect. If there was ever a thing that God needed, He would not be perfect, and we could not worship or honor an imperfect god. There is nothing that God needs.

                God also was not created. He has always existed since before time began. He is in all things at once. He exists in all spaces and times at once. He was in the beginning just as well as He was in the end, experiencing and seeing it all at once. This is one that is difficult for many to comprehend because it is so different from us. We experience things in a sequence of events, but we exist in time. God exists outside of time and does not have a beginning or an end. He is unaffected by time. He does not have a beginning, because only created things have beginnings. He is not created. He is outside of time in ways that we cannot fully understand.

                When someone asked me, "who made God?" I usually give something along these lines. "God did not need to be created. He always existed. No matter what you believe in, something had to always exist. If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, the particles that created the explosion had to always exist. If you believe something created God, that thing that created God would have always had to exist. Something had to be outside of time in order to create it. Something had to always exist in order to create us. It is impossible for nothingness to produce anything, much less everything. It is logically impossible. So, something had to always exist, and that something had to have enough power to create everything that exists." Look at John 1:3 says, "all things were made by Him; and without His was not any thing made that was made."

                God is that something that always has existed. He is outside of time and that is a truth about Him. He is outside of limits because He runs on Himself. He needs nothing. Isaiah 40:28 says, "do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom." God was not created, He always existed. God never grows tired or needs anything, He is perfect. To think any less of Him would be blasphemy, and to know that you could not understand it all would be humility. God is beyond our comprehension.


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