Saturday, July 14, 2012

God's Holiness

                God is holy, meaning that He is set apart, different, unlike anything else. It also means that He is pure, untouched, and spotless. He is God alone, the only Holy creator. Why is God holy? Well, God is holy because He is unlike anything else in existence. Nothing is like Him, not even us. Does that mean that we are holy to God? No, because we are like the rest of the world. We can be compared to everything else. We compare ourselves to monkeys and angels, and even more. We are not holy from God because the definition of holy is not based on personal view points. It is based on the totality of existence. In all of existence, everything is similar in some way except for God.

                Humans, trees, bugs, and everything else in existence runs out of energy and needs more, even angels. God is the only self-sufficient omnipotent force ever to exist. Humans learn, God cannot learn because He is omniscient and always has been. Nature goes through seasons of changes, and so do humans; even angels had a time when some changed forces from angels of Heaven to servants of the Devil. Only God stays the same no matter what happens. He is unlike anything else in existence.

                This is the one attribute that is the hardest for us to comprehend because we know of it but nothing will ever make our limited human minds understand and fully comprehend the holiness of God. He discloses bits and pieces of His holiness as we seek after Him, but we will never be able to fully comprehend until we are standing face to face with the creator.

                In relation, His holiness makes everything about Him holy; just as His justice makes everything about Him just, or His eternity makes everything about Him eternal. His love is holy because no one can truly love like Him, so mercifully and unconditionally. His omnipotence is holy because it is unlike anything that our limited body can control. His faithfulness is holy because no one can be as faithful to an enemy as He always is. He is holy, and unlike us in every way. Yes, we were made in the image of God, but we are still not like Him. His holiness may never be grasped, but it is something worth praising. What little we know about it is radical and brings truth and life to the gospel. We can begin to understand small amounts of how holy He truly is by seeking Him with all of our hearts.


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