Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Unchanging Everlasting God

                As I said before, God is outside of time. He is self-existent and self-sufficient. There is more to this, though. Because God exists in Himself and is self-sufficient, that means that He is everlasting. He does not have a limit on energy or any boundaries for that matter. He has complete control. He is infinite. He is infinite in His own sense, in the true sense. He is also, in His infinitude, eternal. That means that He was, is, and is to come forever.

                The meaning of infinite has been shifted from meaning limitless and endless power or energy to having a large sum or a larger quantity than needed. When someone says that they have won an unlimited supply of marshmallows, we should not be able to imagine this because a limited mind cannot imagine an unlimited anything. Infinite means unlimited in quantity. God is infinite, meaning that everything about Him is limitless. His grace and mercy are infinite. That means that no matter what we do, we can never run His grace and mercy dry because His grace and mercy cannot be numbered or measured. It is infinite and cannot be diminished at all. His love for us is infinite and will never decrease. His love for us was so limitless that He left His power, left His royalty, became a complete looser in the eyes of the world, and died for those who spit on Him, beat Him, called Him every name under the son, and would still reject Him even after He rose three days later. God is infinite. His love did not decrease or run dry on the cross. His mercy and grace did not run dry with Moses or Abraham. God's infinitude never diminishes.

                Nothing about God can be measured or counted. If something can be measured or counted, that something is not truly infinite. Something that is infinite cannot be truly compared either. There is only one infinite source because infinite means that there are no bounds. No two infinite things can exist apart because they would limit each other, so there can be only one true infinite thing.

                Along with His infinitude, He is also everlasting. To compliment God's infinitude is His eternal being. God is outside of time, which means that He is outside of time like things. He cannot change. He is eternal the way that He is. His love for us did not diminish at the cross, and neither did it change. His grace and mercy for Moses and Abraham did not decrease when they fell short, and neither did His grace or mercy change. God is God and that cannot be changed. Created things change. God never changes.

                He knew everything before time started. He knew the end before the beginning, and He lives in every moment of time all at once. He does not change, nor is He growing tired. His is wise beyond change. He loves us as much now as He did when He formed us in our mother's womb and as much as He does at His reunion with us in Heaven. Time does not touch Him, and neither does change. Change is something that man does. God is eternally the same and eternally existent. Change takes place over time, and God is not touched by it. There is no room for error when it comes to God's immutability and eternity.

                If we were to think of God as someone who changes in power or attribute, we would no longer be worshiping God. We would be worshiping something that can change, something that time controls, and something that is no greater than we are. What hope is there in that?

                He base our hope in God's ability to stay the same, to love us the same, to give us the same infinite grace and mercy, and to always be the same. If He were to ever change, He would become human like us, and He would be able to take away His grace and mercy, and His love would be conditional and useless to us. A God who's power or attributes can change is just a glorified human.

                God does not change. He does not become any less in any sense. He does not grow tired. He does not increase in anything, because what is an increase of infinity? It is illogical. He does not change on us or grow different. He is God. He is the same as He was before time, is now, and will be after time. He is outside of time and is always the same. God cannot change, but we can, and it is our ability to change that makes us human. It is our ability to change that can draw us out of our sinful nature and change from prideful to humble. Over all, we depend on God's infinitude and unchanging attributes to help us change and grow. His inability to change is what makes Him God.


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