Saturday, June 23, 2012

Working Out Our Patience

                We all sometimes have trouble keeping our cool or, in one way or another, being patient. Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which means that patience is a sign of the Spirit making residence in our lives. Just because we get patience from the Spirit does not mean that we always use it, or even know how. Even then, sometimes we want more patience; but the only way to get more patience is to have more bothersome things come up to test our patience. We gain patience by waiting, and that is not always fun. In fact, the old English word for patience is "long suffering."

                We have to think of patience as a muscle that is going to be well needed and used daily. The only way to make a muscle grow is by working it out. The only way to gain muscle mass is to hit the gym or do some work outs. We have to think of patience in the same way. We have to be willing to feel the burn and not give in during the work out. Just like push ups, if you make a goal to go to forty, do not get to twenty and roll over and call it quits. We have to be willing to feel the burn when we work out our patience. Things will come to annoy us, but we have to be willing to try harder and be an hour more patient than the day before, or day more patience than we were last week. We must be willing to be annoyed and not lash back with anger or aggression or immaturity.

                People will get on our nerves, that is just a part of life no matter what you believe in; but Ephesians 4:1-3 says, "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit int he bond of peace." We have been called to a different life, so we cannot act as the world says to act when we get impatient. We must continue to show patience, gentleness, humility, and love. We must be willing to love those who bother us. Many times, the ones who bother us and make us want to scream and shout or be immature just want a friend or someone to talk to. As Christians, are we not supposed to be a light in the world, willing to lend an ear to those who are hurting? Other times, those who annoy us (like siblings) do it because they look up to us and want to just have our attention. Even then, we must show them love and patience because we are called to be their example and show them God's love at all times. Other times, people annoy us at work, at school, at home, and it is not out of wanting our attention. Sometimes, people just do not like us. That is another part of life no matter what we believe in. For those who annoy us for no attention seeking reason, knowingly or not, we must be that much more patient. We must be joyful and patient at all times with them to show them God's love because you may be the only Jesus that they have. If you think, "well they are already a Christian," or "I don't really care if they get saved. They are just so annoying!" Well, remember this: God put you in their lives for a reason. When you stand before the father at the end of time and He asks you if you were kind and loving to that person, what will you say? That you saw one of God's creations and chose to reject them after God placed you there to bring life?

                Your patience is your tool. True patience. Not patience that stays silent, rolls its eyes, and groans when it's annoyed but decided not to leave. True, loving, humble, meek patience is what God asks us to show when something irritates us. That does not mean become happy machines that never get bothered. We are allowed to have bad days and be sad when things happen to us; but we must be patient with others and be willing to show God's love at all times.

                How do we become more patient? We must prepare for it. Wear wrist bands or other articles of clothing that will remind you to be kind and patient. Set up signs in your house or in your car to remind you as well. Have close friends keep you accountable. Friends who will want to see you succeed; and when they say be patient, you listen to them. Read the word, because great examples of patient are in there. Pray for help. It is a hard tool to master, but it is a powerful tool to use. We must grasp patience and be willing to use it, even when we do not feel like being patient.

                There was once a great man who showed more patience than anyone that I have ever known. He had a great relationship with his son and his daughter. Their relationship was perfect. They were always happy and smiling and playing and in perfect harmony. I could never imagine a better relationship. One day, the man's children did something their father told them not to do. It tore the family apart. Now, the Father is waiting to gain His family back, generation by generation. He is patiently waiting for everyone to return to Him, never turning His back on us or walking away from us. His patience has lasted thousands of years. His patience shall continue for many more days. He is the most patient man in all existence, and we were made in His image. If He can be patient for thousands of years, we can be patient for eight hours with annoying co-workers.

                He could have walked away at the flood. He could have walked away when everyone rejected Jesus Christ. He could have walked away when the Church became corrupted. He could have walked away at the Crusades. He could have walked away when false Christians came in His name and dirtied His reputations. In the midst of all of this and more, He has not left us. Think of ever sin you have ever done. He has been there with you through it all. He could have left you many times, but He decided to stay. He is waiting to reclaim His family. We can be patient. We have a God who will help us. All we have to do is ask for help, and He will surly give us help with open arms. Are you ready to work on your patient?


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