Friday, August 24, 2012

Humble Beginnings

                The other day I asked one of my "disciples," Juan, why Jesus came in a human body that was so weak and dependent when He could have come on clouds of fire with a sword of lightning as the Jewish community of the time expected. He gave me a few answers and kept taking them back, trying to find the one that fit. The answer is humble beginnings.

                Jesus chose a humble beginning to show love. If He had come down in fire and tornadoes, we would truly understand His power, but His love would be absent. He wanted to show us love and power through birth and Resurrection. His miracles were more miraculous because He was depending on the Father. His teachers were more understandable because He came as a human and not as a force of pure holy power. It is because He chose this humble beginning that we can worship Him and truly praise Him for so much more.

                I have two suite mates that I have not met yet that are moving in. I could bombard them with a ton of positions that I have been in on campus and how "I know the ropes" and so much more, but it would all be my ego talking. It would all be Sophomore talk and no human connection. Instead, I am going to pray to God for humility and that I treat them with love and respect in the same way that Christ would. I cannot properly represent Christ without Christ being in me.

                We must realize that humble beginning open the door for great success. We must put down our pride and look at the greater good. Are we trying to sit at the right hand of the father without taking the cup of wrath? Are we willing to do the work, decrease ourselves, and increase Christ in every area of our lives? We must put aside titles, experiences, medals, and others tools that the world uses to order people as say that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. (Matthew 20:16) We must be willing to humble ourselves and serve others, just as Christ gave us that example. (John 13:18-30) Let us not grow prideful, but fall on our faces and be a humble example of the Lord through prayer and doing.


1 comment:

  1. This is so true we have to keep a spirit of humility...thank you, your words are inspiring.
