Thursday, August 2, 2012

Be Ready for Followers

                As Christians, we are a light in the world of darkness. The closer we are to Christ, the brighter our light shines, and the more confused those who know nothing about Christ become. We bust be ready to be followed, ready to be watched, and ready to be poked.

                Yesterday, at work, I was exhausted. I had not slept at all and I had to work an eight hour shift somewhat early in the morning. Now, I am not complaining. I love my job! I have no intentions of quitting, but I am saying that this was not my best day for playing with kids. As soon as I got onto the campus, kids flooded me as they do to all teachers. The one moment that I was alone, I stood up and started to walk. Less then twenty steps later, a fifth grader walks up to me with a face that only expressed pain. He whispered, "can I ask you something?" My reply was, "sure, you can ask me anything." Out of no where, he asked, "can you preach to me?"

                Now, if I were to sit down and make a list with every kid that I would expect to have a conversation with Christ about, he would not have been on that list. If I had made a list of every kid who would have never wanted to have a talk about Christ with me, he would not have been on that list either. He never crossed my mind that way because I never thought of him in that light. Little did I know, he was following the light that Christ had put in me, and finally got the courage to ask about it.

                We never know what will happen or who is following us from behind. For all we know, our parents, our families, our co-workers, our friends, or even people we never talked to before are watching our lights. We must always be ready to set a good example for Christ, and always be ready to be questions. If someone says, "can you preach to me?" what should you do? If someone starts to question your faith, trying to figure out why you are so loving and so different from your friends, what will you say? We must not be prideful when someone comes up to us, but we must always be ready to represent Christ well.

                1 Peter 3:15 says, "but in your heart set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." We must always be ready; and the best way to do that is to be respecting and loving God. If He is right in your heart, the answers will come out easily. As we shine Christ's light through us, we must expect to have people come to us, just as people cam to Christ. Now, we are not the next Christ; but if His light is in us, we can expect to get a little bit of the same attention that He got. We must be ready to explain the light within us to whoever is following the Christ in us.


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